Get Involved

Australia’s migration policy is effectively made by big business, for the sake of making a  buyers market for labour and a sellers market for property developers, supermarkets, banks,  universities and migration agents. Low migration Australia is organising the majority of  Australians who want lower migration against the business owners and politicians who defy  the public will. The best thing Australians can do about this is speak up. 

The best ways you can speak up are by discussing migration levels with those most inclined  to listen to you, your local Commonwealth MP, the Commonwealth Senators for your state,  the Minister for Immigration and your friends and family.

You can find your local MP and Senator here

The relevant minister is

The Hon Tony Burke MP
Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs
PO Box 6022
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
[email protected] 

We are always interested to hear about what their response is so please let us know how  you go.